Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face

Most people are afraid or spiders, or feel an aversion to them. But this 27-year-old Australian — a rare exception, because she gets pleasure from hairy spider legs on your face. The girl claims that her spider on the skin is the best way to relieve stress and relax after a hard day.

Learn why a lover of spiders chose such a strange method of relaxation, from our material.

(Caution! Arachnophobes not to look!)

Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
27-year-old Tarni Roebuck (Roebuck Tarni) relieves stress in an unusual way: she sits down on the spiders face.

A resident of the Australian state of Queensland first became interested in these arthropods about four years ago. Now Tarni have a page on Instagram dedicated to her love for the frightening creatures.

Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face
Relax is not for the faint of heart: Australian relieves stress, allowing the spiders to crawl on the face

It seems that in Australia to make friends with spiders more than on all other continents. One day Australian children are scared of the father, introducing the new eight-legged neighbor at home, which turned out to be one of the most dangerous arachnids.

Keywords: Instagram | Woman | Horror | Face | Massage | Unusual spiders | Relaxation | Phobia | Hobby

