Rage rooms are a popular way to deal with stress, taking away bread from psychologists

Categories: Positive | Society | World |

Many of us reasonably believe that it is possible to overcome stress and relieve emotional tension only by throwing emotions out. There are also a lot of those who recognize the damage and complete destruction of furniture, household appliances, dishes, toys, clothes and other things surrounding us every day as the best way of such unloading. Admit it, didn't you ever want to smash your laptop against the wall or jump on the hood of a stalled car? Now do you understand what we are talking about?

Rage rooms are a popular way to deal with stress, taking away bread from psychologists

The room of rage, or rather, the room of psychological relief, is a specially equipped room where people come to destroy and break things with impunity, of course, on a paid basis. Using such an unusual service, a modern person can relieve himself of the stress that has accumulated at work or when communicating with household members.

A standard session in the rage room lasts only 30-40 minutes, but this is quite enough for her visitor to come out of it "like new" — cheerful, peaceful and, often, happy. All the negative emotions that destroy the personality from the inside — resentment, anger, envy, dissatisfaction with life, remain in the room among the shattered televisions, sets, chairs, printers and vases.

Rage rooms are a popular way to deal with stress, taking away bread from psychologists

Psychological relief rooms abroad appeared quite a long time ago. The first companies providing such unusual services appeared in the USA in 2008. There was something similar before, but in a slightly different format. For example, in San Diego at the very beginning of the noughties there was a bar where customers were allowed to break dishes, the cost of which was then entered into the bill.

Today, such rooms work all over the world and absolutely Veda are a huge success. Clients are attracted to them by the opportunity to throw out the negative without scaring others and without coming into conflict with the law, and business owners — minimal investments and a stable, very good income.

Judge for yourself — neither high-quality repairs nor the maintenance of numerous personnel are required for the implementation of the project. All you need is a medium—sized room, preferably in the basement of a non-residential building and things purchased at sales, in workshops or even picked up in landfills.

Rage rooms are a popular way to deal with stress, taking away bread from psychologists

The classic set of any such room includes vases, wine glasses, plates, monitors and televisions. Light furniture is also in great demand, such as chairs, country chairs, plastic stools and tables for summer cafes. Gourmets can also order something special for themselves, for example, a car engine, over which they will have to sweat.

Most owners of such "establishments" also offer an additional package of services. For example, a client can bring with him a bag of things he hates and destroy them with pleasure, plunging into his own emotions, known only to him. Some bring with them portraits of bosses, colleagues, neighbors and, as classics, beloved mother-in-law.

Rage rooms are a popular way to deal with stress, taking away bread from psychologists

There are also exclusives. For example, the Canadian company Rage Room offers visitors to its rooms themed parties that you can choose from the catalog or order to your taste. The greatest demand, for some reason, is the package "Anti-Valentine's Day", for haters of the lovers' holiday and its annoying attributes.

Of course, there are limitations. In the rooms of rage, it is forbidden to hold events related to racial and religious hatred, as well as openly offensive actions directed against individuals and social groups.

Rage rooms are a popular way to deal with stress, taking away bread from psychologists

Needless to say, you can not bring combat and hunting weapons, explosive and toxic objects and substances, aerosol cans and many other items that carry a potential danger to the visitor and others. Also, the owner of the room, who respects himself and his business, will never allow a minor inside, a person in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, or with an obvious mental illness.

The weapons of destruction can be very diverse, ranging from an ordinary baseball bat to sledgehammers and crowbars. Some aesthetes use their tools, for example, in some rooms, in agreement with their owner, you can come with a two-handed axe, a katana or a steel chain. Special attention is paid to the safety of visitors — customers are allowed into the rage room only in special overalls, gloves and protective masks.

Rage rooms are a popular way to deal with stress, taking away bread from psychologists

The price for the services of a psychological unloading room, most often, consists of the cost of destroyed items, depreciation of ammunition and the cost of cleaning the premises after an act of vandalism. Of course, the profit of the business owner is also included in this figure.

The Rage Room company we mentioned offers guests a "menu" in which you can find plates for 1 Canadian dollar, 3-dollar wall mirrors, chairs for 10-15 dollars, as well as computer and office equipment for 15-25 dollars per unit. Separately, you can discuss the delivery of oversized items to the place of execution, for example, a piano or a whole sideboard filled with dishes.

In order to give the visitor maximum pleasure, a video recording of the massacre of objects is made, which the client can take with him on a digital medium. There are a lot of people who want to get such a video, and the regulars of the rooms of rage assure that watching a video with a violent pogrom after a while is a special, exquisite pleasure.

Rooms of rage have long ceased to be exotic for our country. Companies providing such services operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Perm and many other major cities of Russia. In our country, such institutions have even got a special name, filled with domestic flavor and valiant prowess — "rasfigachechnaya".

It is interesting to know whether our readers consider this method of dealing with stress to be effective and acceptable. Or maybe someone has already used the services of such a room?

