Purrmanently - the saddest kitten

Categories: Animals |

The little cat doesn't have a name yet, but its owner calls it Purrmanently Sad Cat (a play on words: permanently - "permanently" and purr - "purr", all together can be translated as "purrmanently sad cat"), or PSC for short. Looking into the eyes of this poor fellow, from which tears are about to drip, you just want to take him in your arms, take pity on him and caress him.

Having succumbed to the kitten's charm, the hostess began to post his photos on the Imgur photo hosting. They immediately made a splash: so, the Friday before last, just six days after publication, they were viewed more than 426,000 times. Sad little pet owner 21-year-old Ashley Herring from New Orleans says PSC is actually a very happy kitten, despite the look on his face!

(Total 8 photos)

Purrmanently - the saddest kitten
Purrmanently - the saddest kitten


Purrmanently - the saddest kitten


Purrmanently - the saddest kitten


Purrmanently - the saddest kitten


Purrmanently - the saddest kitten


Purrmanently - the saddest kitten


Purrmanently - the saddest kitten


Purrmanently - the saddest kitten


Keywords: Sadness | Kitten | Cats

