Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any

In the 12 years of the canadian painter Rob Gonsalves began to experiment and draw different strange and unusual patterns, relying only on their own imagination. But only after 30 years he began to develop his career as an artist and author of crazy optical illusions that have become his signature works.

Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any
Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any

Even in his youth, Gonsalves was influenced by Escher, Dali and Tanguy. Their paintings forced the canadian to try yourself in the surrealism. Now Rob Gonsalves 57 years old and he is an internationally recognized talent, thanks to a skilful use of perspective, imagination and impeccable technique.

Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any

"Childhood dreams, and drawing turned into a career of the author who, above all, a tribute to the imagination. I plunged into the world of architecture, but my painting was warmly received at the exhibition under the open sky in Toronto Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition in 1990, and I started drawing on a regular basis," says the artist.

Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any


Psychedelic optical illusions that will confuse any

Keywords: Illusion | Illustration | Canada | Optics | Surrealism | The artist

