Proper sleep: how much time people of different ages need to sleep

Categories: Health and Medicine | World |

If you wake up exhausted in the morning and think that you need to go to bed early next time, then this is not quite true. Sleep needs may vary, despite generally accepted norms. It turns out that everything depends on age and individual biorhythms. Different sleep times are recommended for adults and children. Find out how many hours people of different age categories need to sleep from our material.

Proper sleep: how much time people of different ages need to sleep

Basically, adults are recommended to sleep 7-8 hours, but some experts believe that you need to pay attention to sleep cycles, not time. The sleep cycle lasts an hour and a half. During this time, the body goes through 5 stages of sleep:

1. Shallow sleep, in which muscle activity slows down. 2. Slowing of breathing and heartbeat. 3. Deep sleep. 4. Very deep sleep. 5. Rapid eye movements and dreams.

Many people say that if these cycles are not interrupted, the next day you will not feel tired - regardless of how long you slept.

Proper sleep: how much time people of different ages need to sleep

Newborns (0 - 3 months): 14 - 17 hours. Infants (4 - 11 months): 12 - 15 hours. Kids (1-2 years old): 11-14 hours.

Proper sleep: how much time people of different ages need to sleep

Preschoolers (3 - 5 years old): 10 - 13 hours. Schoolchildren (6-13 years old): 9-11 hours. Teenagers (14 - 17 years old): 8 - 10 hours.

Proper sleep: how much time people of different ages need to sleep

Youth (18 - 25 years old): 7 - 9 hours. Adults (26-64 years old): 7 - 9 hours. Elderly (65+): 7 - 8 hours.

Proper sleep: how much time people of different ages need to sleep

Scientists have even created a sleep calculator with which everyone can calculate at what time they need to go to bed and get up. This calculator takes into account the daily rhythms and, based on them, summarizes the 5-6 sleep cycles that we mentioned above. So it doesn't matter if you went to bed an hour earlier than usual. Proper sleep rest is based only on the natural rhythms of the body, which everyone has their own.

Fatigue occurs due to stress and lack of sleep, and constant drowsiness can be a sign of hypersomnia. Here are the symptoms that signal this disorder. 

