Please don't die, Mom! Heartbreaking scene with the kangaroo family

Categories: Animals |

49-year-old Australian Evan Switzer (Evan Switzer) stumbled upon this incredibly touching scene during his usual walk through the city of River Heads in Queensland.

A male kangaroo was holding a dead female, next to which their confused cub was standing.

Please don't die, Mom! Heartbreaking scene with the kangaroo family

Please don't die, Mom! Heartbreaking scene with the kangaroo family

1. "The male stood over the female. He was trying to lift her up. I was there for a while and thought it was quite curious," the man says.

Please don't die, Mom! Heartbreaking scene with the kangaroo family

2. "It was like what you see in the movies. In which someone stands over the body and says, "No, no. Please don't die." It was something amazing… I've never seen anything like this in the wild before," he added.

Please don't die, Mom! Heartbreaking scene with the kangaroo family

3. Switzer, an amateur photographer, quickly ran home for the camera and returned to shoot a heartbreaking scene. He saw how the male lay down on the ground next to the female and tried to push her to "wake up", sometimes taking her neck in his paws.

Please don't die, Mom! Heartbreaking scene with the kangaroo family

4. "I stayed around for a while. Three of them were there — a dead female, a male and a cub, other kangaroos also approached, but the male drove them away."

Keywords: Kangaroo | Mom

