Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

Categories: Animals |

A group of young lions were walking through the expanses of the South African Kalahari desert, when suddenly they met a couple of porcupines on the way. “Why not have a bite,” the lions thought, especially since porcupines are not very good runners. Attacking a porcupine, the bravest of the group of young lions did not even suspect that he would get into a piercing session. The porcupine's quill entered the lion's nostril exactly, went through it, and exited the other side. The lions immediately lost their appetite, and they decided to leave the porcupines alone. But if you think that the porcupines had a good day, then you are greatly mistaken.

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Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced
Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

1. One of the porcupines was surrounded by a group of young lions.

Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

2. “Oh, food,” thought the lions. "Now let's have fun," thought the porcupines.

Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

3. After the first attack, the young lion drove a porcupine quill into his nostril so hard that it came out the other side.

Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

4. It was a very painful and unpleasant experience in the life of a young lion.

Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

5. Another lion supports a friend who finds himself in an unpleasant situation.

Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

6. "Well, how is it, I'm the king of beasts," thought the lion after he removed the needle from his nose.

Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

7. Hoping to escape, the porcupines tried to hide in the bushes, showing the young lions their dangerous backside.

Piercing a Lion's Nose, or Don't Attack a Porcupine If You Don't Want Your Nose Pierced

8. But, unfortunately, an adult and more experienced lion was waiting for them in the bushes, who is not afraid of some kind of needles. The lion dined on porcupines and may even have used their quills as a toothpick.

This is such a story, even shoot a movie.

Keywords: Lions | Nose | Piercing

