“Pics Or It Never Happened”: 10 Things That Might Be Hard To Believe Without Evidence

Categories: Animals | People | Photo project | Society | World |

In the age of the camera, we have all seemingly become more skeptical than many of our ancestors. After all, people lie for clout and Photoshop images, and now even employ AI to create entirely fake scenarios. 

The “Pics Or It Didn’t Happen” Facebook group is dedicated to moments that would sound made up if there wasn’t photographic evidence. We also got in touch with Morten Repsdorph Husfeldt, one of the founders of the group to learn more. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites, and be sure to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. 

More info: Facebook


“Pics Or It Never Happened”: 10 Things That Might Be Hard To Believe Without Evidence


“Pics Or It Never Happened”: 10 Things That Might Be Hard To Believe Without Evidence


86-year-old grandma. Finishes her hand-stitched chair after 25 years.

“Pics Or It Never Happened”: 10 Things That Might Be Hard To Believe Without Evidence


My uncle got the job y‘all!! he just finished his last Zoom interview

Pictolic got in touch with Morten Repsdorph Husfeldt, one of the founders of, one of the founders and current admins of “Pics Or It Didn’t Happen” and he was kind enough to share the backstory of this photo group.

“We started just about 4 years ago. Tess [another administrator] ]and I were members of a group called Crazy Stuff Caught in Pictures (about 10k members) alongside Trevor Roach. Unfortunately, the group went downhill... A new admin had joined and posted both vaginas and other weird stuff and the group was partially suspended by Facebook.”

“Pics Or It Never Happened”: 10 Things That Might Be Hard To Believe Without Evidence


In 2016 Jade Hameister became the youngest person to ever ski to the North Pole. After achieving this incredible feat Hamesiter gave a TEDX Talk, there were several misogynistic comments on the video of her talk, including “Make me a sandwich”.

Two years later in 2018, Jade became the youngest person to achieve a polar hat-trick, having reached both the North and South poles as well as crossing Greenland.

On her South Pole Trek which she completed on January 10, 2018, she posted to her social media this photo of her with the sandwich and wrote: “Tonight (it never gets dark this time of year) I skied back to the Pole again... to take this photo for all those men who commented, 'Make me a sandwich', on my TEDX Talk. I made you a sandwich (ham & cheese), now ski 37 days and 600km to the South Pole and you can eat it xx,"

[via smh Image via X the_female_lead]
Story from The Female Athlete Stor

“Pics Or It Never Happened”: 10 Things That Might Be Hard To Believe Without Evidence


Rainbow Grapes

Keywords: Pics | Camera | Photoshop | Ake scenarios | People | Animals | Daily life | Photos

