Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies

Categories: Cinema |

There's something magical about the way our favorite stories or characters come to life on the big screen. And it is especially interesting to find out what was left behind the scenes and how cult films were created. However, you need to be careful, because some shots from the filming can completely destroy the whole atmosphere and the prevailing idea of your favorite movie.

Here is a selection of photos that should be viewed with caution.

Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies
Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies

"A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies

"Jurassic Park"

Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies


Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies

"Child's play"

Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies


Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies


Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies


Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies


Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies


Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies


Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies

"The Dark Knight Rises"

Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies

"The Avengers"

Photos from the shooting that will change your idea of your favorite movies

"Planet of the Apes"

Keywords: Behind the scenes | Shooting | Film

