Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

Categories: Positive |

"Stop the moment! You're beautiful!". These lines from "Faust" by Goethe familiar to all. With this statement I would agree people trapped at the pictures that we want to present to you. Just a moment separates them from trouble and in this moment they were caught in the lens of the photographer.

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

In an era when a camera or phone with a camera almost everyone, the pictures a couple of decades ago would be considered rare or even a sensation, making thousands. Great shot with someone's bad often happen by accident and that natural events makes them valuable.

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...
Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

About the value of the moments you best describe extreme that it was not enough to influence the situation.

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...
Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

It was impossible not to recall these wonderful pictures depicting the friendship of man with animals.

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...
Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

Cyclists — an inexhaustible source of great shots.

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...
Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

Water can be very tricky.

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...
Photos are randomly made for a moment before...
Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

Children simply generating around itself an unexpected situation. Not always pleasant, by the way.

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

Not to turn another...

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

Not reached...

Photos are randomly made for a moment before...

Did not get...

Fortunately, all the characters of our compilation after an unforeseen situation was still alive, but someone had to seek medical help. But sometimes, people deliberately risk for a spectacular shot and killed.

Keywords: Best photos | Failure | Fall | Case | Freeze | Feil

