Photo project "Jesus is everywhere"
The Gospel says: "Jesus said: The kingdom of God is inside you and all around you — not in buildings made of stone and wood; God is inside you and all around you — not in buildings made of stone and wood; I am the light that is on everyone. I am everything: everything came out of me and everything came back to me. Cut down the tree, I am there; lift up the stone, and you will find me there."
The Jesus Everywhere project was founded by David Soames, an American art director and illustrator from Dallas. On the website of the same name, any user can send their own version of where Jesus is.
1. On the block in volleyball
2. Conducts the orchestra
3. Plays drums in a rock band
4. On a roller coaster
5. Bungee jumping
6. Under the dome of the circus
7. Pumps the press in the park
8. Does yoga
9. On the horizontal bar
10. In the gym
11. Holds a double clouseline in the wrestling ring
12. On the uneven bars
13. On the springboard
14. Skiing
15. On the Olympic podium
16. At the finish of the marathon race
17. In football handicaps takes a penalty from Ronaldo
18. Hang gliding
19. In the pool
20. On a surfboard
21. At logrolling competitions
22. LeBron does a trick on the basketball court
23. Cheers for Manchester City in the stands
24. Walking on a tightrope
25. Makes a "soldier" on a bike
26. In the cheerleading squad
27. In "Dirty Dancing"
28. in the Titanic
29. In the subway
30. In the limo
31. On the beach
32. In bed
33. Walks our younger brothers
34. In the studio
35. In the pizzeria
36. Distributes food to the poor and the poor
37. In the game "Duck Hunting"
38. At the fair
39. In the puppet theater
40. On the runway
41. At the airport
42. Helps to resist the current
43. On the Rolls Royce
44. Hugs you all
Keywords: Jesus | Photo manipulation | Christianity