Personal life of snails

Categories: Animals | Photo project | Positive |

Artist and photographer Vyacheslav Mishchenko lives in a small Ukrainian town with the well-known name Berdichev. He paints in several genres, as well as photographs. We will introduce you to his fun series.

It is dedicated to snails and their personal-intimate relationships. Naturally, we are talking about macro photography. Vyacheslav's steady hand captures incredible shots. His patience is also striking. Agree, it's worth a lot to wait for such good moments. Here you have the attitude of older snails to younger ones and the relationship of "peers". In general, in fact, all these fantasies are just fiction. Everyone is free to come up with their own story for each photo. Vyacheslav Mishchenko just makes small hints.

Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails

Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
Personal life of snails
