People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

Something is mesmerizing about minimalism. In a world so full of everything, this kind of simplistic perspective can offer a refreshing counterpoint to the chaos around us, providing us with a nice cup of peace. 

But you don’t have to redecorate your home or make any drastic changes to enjoy some of what minimalism has to offer. For example, this subreddit is full of simple yet magnificent pictures that capture the essence of this philosophy, and you can see the best picks right down below!

More info: reddit


People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#1 Minimalist Business Card

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#2 My Sister's Roommate Is An Architect. Check Out Their Suspended Tree

The subreddit, known as r/minimalism, is a perfect place for anyone who appreciates simplicity in all its forms. Here, you can mostly find people sharing things related to this kind of art and lifestyle, whether it’s something they made themselves, found online and wanted to enjoy together, or simply thought of and wanted to talk about.

With over 1.4 million members, this minimalism community ranks among the top 1 percent of Reddit’s largest groups. Fittingly, it doesn’t have many rules, only asking its members not to advertise or post memes and, instead, to keep things civilized while sharing minimalism-related content.

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#3 Stairs

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#4 Space-Saving Furnature

Minimalism is a lifestyle, art, and design philosophy and a movement focusing on abstraction and simplicity. It was developed in the early 1960s in the USA, but facing a lot of resistance and criticism initially, it only started to really flourish in the 21st century.

But why did minimalism become as popular as it is now? Well, to answer this question, we looked into an article by The Minimalist Vegan, and they gave us a whole list of reasons explaining it.

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#5 Snow On The Water, A Photo By Siegfried Hansen

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#6 "Jaws" Poster Made Out Of 202 Solid Lines, Bartosz Kosowski

The article tells us that the actual roots of this philosophy can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome, as well as Asia. There were quite a few philosophers who believed that material possessions are not necessary for happiness and satisfaction and that it’s enough to live a simple, purposeful life.

Buddhism also talks about happiness being found in simplicity and encourages people to live in the moment rather than worry about the future or dwell on the past. According to it, material possessions don’t bring fulfillment or lasting happiness as they’re temporary, and the satisfaction they bring is limited.

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#7 A Batman vs. Superman Poster I Thought Was Very Minimal

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#8 An Abandoned Home Surrounded By Wheat Fields, Oregon

Now, with the internet connecting the whole globe, minimalism has taken the world by storm. The World Wide Web is the main factor that influenced the popularity of this movement as many people who start living this way begin to advocate for the benefits this lifestyle brings and share that online. 

The same goes for art, as the web makes it more visible and accessible. Professional and amateur artists, as well as those who find their works appealing, are able to share and see almost limitless content that is only a few clicks away.

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#9 Solitude

People Online Share 10 Pictures, Which Prove That Sometimes Less Is More

#10 The New Norwegian Passport Design

Keywords: People | Pictures | Social networks | Minimalism | Simplistic perspective | Peace

