People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves

Researchers have found that embarrassment is adaptive. We feel it more when we make mistakes in front of people who are close to us and less in front of outsiders.

(This is because we identify with our social groups and value their opinions over others, which allows embarrassment to elicit forgiveness and advertise trustworthiness, ultimately helping us repair relationships.)

So to learn about human nature, Reddit user Jotazepp decided to utilize the anonymity of the internet and asked everyone else on the platform to share the most sheepish things the world would find out if they were to suddenly pass away.

Let the discussion be a reminder to clear your browsing history!


People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


I still play with G.I. Joe’s and ninja turtles in the bathtub and I’m 42 years old.

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


I'm female, and a male ex of mine loves dressing up in women's clothes, especially lacy underwear, silky nighties, etc. He was really scared he was going to die and his family would find all this stuff. So he keeps it in an old suitcase of mine with my name, flight tags and address on it. So it looks like I've left it at his house. I think they'll still be surprised as I don't wear anything fancy (just jeans, black T-shirts, etc), but it keeps him happy.

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


To-do lists from when I've been depressed with stuff like "take a shower" and "go outside" and mostly not crossed off.

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


The hello kitty tattoo on my butt... I'm a guy

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


I subscribe to a hedgehog rehab charity

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


I write romance books under a pen name and they sell LOL.

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


My 71-year-old single, never-married aunt passed away last month. Upon her death, we discovered she was a hoarder. Her house was so cluttered with stuff that there was barely a narrow pathway to walk anywhere inside it.

Had this been discovered while she was alive, it would've been extremely embarrassing for her.

More information: My aunt wouldn't allow anyone in the family in her home during her last 10 years. Her home wasn't always like that. She wasn't found dead in her home. She was taken to the hospital when her sister (my Mom) hadn't heard from her for four days which hadn't happened before. My Mom called the police to check on her and that's when she was found on the floor of her bedroom unable to move and unable to reach her cellphone. Once in the hospital, she refused to allow anyone to retrieve her cell phone from her house. Out of respect for her privacy, no one retrieved it until she passed.

My aunt was loved by everyone who knew her. She was a kind, thoughtful, and generous person. Her secret once exposed did not diminish our love for her one bit.

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


I smoke weed. I’m an old lady now. I’ve smoked for 52 years.

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


We have some *ahem* interesting proclivities in the bedroom, so we already have a pact with each other to get rid of the evidence if one of us goes first. We have a friend who promised to take care of it if we go at the same time.

People Confess 11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things About Themselves


Keywords: People | Researchers found | Embarrassing things | Embarrassment | Funny mistakes

