Original kindergarten in the form of a huge cat

The unusual kindergarten Die Katze is located in Wolfartsweier, a district of the German city of Karlsruhe. The giant white cat building was designed by architect Ayla-Suzan Yöndel and designer Tomi Ungerer. The extraordinary design made it possible to diversify children's everyday life and now kids go to kindergarten with pleasure.

(Total 5 photos)

Original kindergarten in the form of a huge cat

Original kindergarten in the form of a huge cat

1. The completed building looks like a cat preparing to jump. Pointed ears, wide-open eyes-windows and a tail that acts as a children's slide.

Original kindergarten in the form of a huge cat

2. Kindergarten opened in 2002. It is attended by about 100 children aged 3 to 7 years.

Original kindergarten in the form of a huge cat

3. From the inside, the cat building is no different from an ordinary kindergarten: in the “paws” there are playgrounds, in the “belly” there is a kitchen, a dining room, a staircase, a dressing room and a study room.

Original kindergarten in the form of a huge cat

4. On the second floor, in the “head”, there is a large hall, where during the day it is always light thanks to large round windows-eyes.

Original kindergarten in the form of a huge cat

5. Rear view. A cat's tail that acts as a slide.

Keywords: Kindergarten | Building | Cats | Baby

