Not the movie would look like without special effects

Categories: Cinema |

Computer effects in the movie, partially were used in 1977 on the set of "Star wars" and "Close encounters of the third kind." In our time it is difficult to find a film which would have applied computer processing. Thanks to the special effects movies are becoming so spectacular. We offer you a selection of frames before and after computer processing.

Not the movie would look like without special effects
Not the movie would look like without special effects
Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects
Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects
Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects

Not the movie would look like without special effects

Keywords: Before and after special effects comparison | Films

