Named the "most unfortunate" age in a person's life

In the life of every person, sooner or later, there comes a period when it seems that everything is going wrong: there is no money, work is tiring, there are problems in personal life, and in general, there is no mood for anything - in general, a complete decline in strength and energy! And no, this is not a description of the autumn depression, as many might think. Such a period can come for every person. Whether you want to call it an age crisis or you want it to be an “unhappy age”, it’s probably worth knowing when it’s worth preparing for changes in mood…


Named the "most unfortunate" age in a person's life

1. Scientists from Dartmouth College and the National Bureau of Economic Research have found out when a person's "most miserable age" begins. And this is… drumroll… 47-48 years old. During this period, the level of stress goes off scale, and there is also a lack of finances, hair begins to quickly turn gray.

Named the "most unfortunate" age in a person's life

2. To confirm the statistics, scientists took data from about 500 thousand people from 145 countries. The difference between rich and poor countries is small.

Named the "most unfortunate" age in a person's life

3. Experts also add that the “unhappy age” is in principle universal and the same for people regardless of gender, age, country of residence, their marital and social status.

Named the "most unfortunate" age in a person's life

4. The authors of the study believe that the true cause of despondency lies in the biochemical processes of the human body and also explain this with general aging.

Named the "most unfortunate" age in a person's life

5. But do not rush to get upset. There is good news too! By the age of 65-70, the desire to live and the ability to feel happy again returns to a person and even reaches a peak at 80 years.

Keywords: Human ages | People | Lifestyle | Psychology | Personal problems | Depression | Energy | Mood

