My worst nightmare

Categories: Photo project |

Photographer Lottie Davies asked her friends and acquaintances to tell about the most frightening dreams they have ever seen. Based on these stories, she created a series of atmospheric images called "Nightmares and Memories".

We invite our readers to briefly immerse themselves in the dark world of someone else's subconscious. What kind of nightmares do you have?

My worst nightmare
My worst nightmare

Lou's story

Never before and never later have I been so scared of sleep."

My worst nightmare

The Red Devil

My worst nightmare

Viola's Twin

My worst nightmare


My worst nightmare


Later I see myself floating in a boat with the head priest on the smooth, sleepy surface of the river, surrounded by old trees. My daughter is with me, she is about 9 years old. Here, away from people, the priest begins to let go of his hands and molest me, and I have to obey.Before I was killed, I whispered to my daughter her secret name, which she should not say, but must always remember. I see her swimming to the shore, and reaches a place where the branches of trees hang low. She pushes them aside and finds herself in front of an ancient wall on which a figure is carved. This is her crucified mother. I know that this place is sacred to us, and my people will not forget our true faith. I'm dying in a dream, and when I wake up, I don't know if I'm alive or dead."

My worst nightmare

What awaits in the future?

I dreamed that my son became a child again, who was just learning to crawl, and was playing near the fireplace in an old house where there had recently been a fire. It was ashes, already without fire, but all covered with heavy, terrible dust. My ex-lover appeared here like a shadow and began slowly and gently showering my son's face with sticky soot. I saw that it was turning black and that the baby was having difficulty breathing. Soot stuck to his eyelids, and I knew if he closed his eyes, he would die. I couldn't shake it off because then it would have been even worse for him. I had to gently blow the soot off his face... I felt fear and loss, and when I woke up, I realized that this is exactly what I feel in real life."

My worst nightmare

The girl in the tower

Keywords: Nightmare | Dream | Fantasy | Photo manipulation

