My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands

Categories: Technology |

Probably everyone is familiar with the famous quote from Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes": "My light, mirror! Tell me the whole truth ..." The magic mirror, endowed with the ability to talk, appeared in many works. Until recently, such a mirror was really a fantasy. But with the development of progress, an ordinary person can create a semblance of such a mirror. Reddit user Toothie96 did it. His creation displays the time, date, weather forecast and news on a reflective surface.

My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands

Toothie96 made a magic mirror with his own hands as a gift for his girlfriend, so that the lady of the heart spends less time on packing without being distracted by the phone. She can now see all the necessary information by turning around in the mirror.

My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands
My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands

To bring the idea to life, Toothie96 put together a frame made of pine wood, deep enough to fit all the electronics there. Then he set to work on the stuffing. But it also had to be changed, soldered and rearranged.

My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands
My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands
My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands

There was a problem with displaying the information. Ordinary mirrors did not let in light, so the guy ordered a special two-way mirror. For an additional light source, he added an LED strip.

My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands
My light, mirror, tell me: the guy made a magic mirror with his own hands

As a filling, he installed a small Raspberry Pi computer. According to Toothie96, the most difficult stage in creating a mirror was coding the user interface, because he had never done this before.

The guy spent 200 pounds to create his creation.

Keywords: Girl | Mirror | Diy

