Mouth shut: scientists from New Zealand have come up with an ingenious way to lose weight

Categories: Health and Medicine |

There are many ways to fight excess weight, but those who have tried to lose weight will tell you that as long as a person's mouth opens, the temptation to eat something extra or just delicious is too great. Researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand solved the problem radically – they created a Dental deviceSlim Diet Control, locking the mouth with a lock.

Mouth shut: scientists from New Zealand have come up with an ingenious way to lose weight

Dental DeviceSlim Diet Control is made individually for each person and consists of metal clips with magnets. The device is installed on the teeth of a losing weight by a dentist, who also activates it. When the magnets start working, they attract the teeth so strongly to each other that the mouth can be opened by only 2 millimeters.

Mouth shut: scientists from New Zealand have come up with an ingenious way to lose weight

The owner of the device gets the opportunity to talk, breathe, drink drinks and eat liquid food, but he will not be able to fill his stomach from the heart-the teeth brought together do not allow him to fully eat. The creators of the weight loss device also provided for emergency removal of the lock with a special key. To do this, you do not even need to contact a dentist – you can unlock your mouth yourself.

Mouth shut: scientists from New Zealand have come up with an ingenious way to lose weight

Dental DevelopersSlim Diet Control proudly calls its brainchild "the world's first weight loss device", which operates with guaranteed efficiency and at the same time is completely safe. At the same time, scientists claim that their brainchild is not intended for long-term wear. This lock is designed to help those who urgently need to lose weight in a few days, for example, before a surgical operation.

Tests of the device on volunteers showed a very good result. On average, the subjects lost 6.3 kg of weight in two weeks and this without the slightest violence against themselves in a fitness club or at the stadium. The deputy vice-chancellor of the University of Otago, Professor Paul Brunton, claims that the lock on the teeth has a long-term effect and helps to lose weight even after removal. It helps to form a person's eating habits and maintain weight within the normal range.

Mouth shut: scientists from New Zealand have come up with an ingenious way to lose weight

Of course, such an important invention could not fail to be noticed by Internet users. In the network, the mouth lock caused a whole wave of jokes and outright criticism. Many compared the device with a medieval instrument of torture and even called it humiliating for human dignity. But they have not yet seen the Chinese "fire" way of dealing with kilograms.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Castle | Weight loss | Diet | Teeth | Dentist | Nutrition | News of the day

