Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

We have already written about a funny designer named Matt Benedetto, but he is very prolific and never ceases to amaze with his strange inventions. Everyone who has heard of him knows that his creations solve problems that do not exist, and it all looks extremely funny.

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions
Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

Huge back pocket

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

Book Holder

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

Necklace for snacks

Pillow with water — if you are too lazy to get up

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

Phone Case with Jar holder

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

A mitten in which you can show indecent gestures

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

Phone Holder

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

Double deodorant

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

Case trolley for smartphone

Matt Benedetto pleased the audience with new "useful" inventions

Headphone Holder

Keywords: Designer | Invention | Funny

