Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

Categories: Health and Medicine |

Thanks to the emergence in the late 20th century such as medotrasli transplantation, the world is now increasingly talking about the value of certain organs and tissues. It turns out that we carry a substantial capital, which are renewable resources, and the unique parts of the body, which "issue" once and for life. So how much is Homo sapiens "for parts"?

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

Our hair grow throughout their life, so they can be sold without much hesitation. But keep in mind that buyers are only interested in the hair length of 50 cm, and the color and condition can significantly affect the price. The most popular can be called long blonde hair, unpainted and thin. 100 grams hair can buy for 10 thousand rubles.

Below are prized brown hair natural color, per 100 grams which you can get 4-6 thousand rubles. Dark hair and painted not too popular — they buy 1-2 thousand rubles per 100 grams. All hair, regardless of color, immediately depreciate in order, if their length is shorter than 50 cm, or they whipped ends. Negatively on the cost reflected haircut "cascade".

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

If, in order to profitably sell hair, you need to have some natural features, you can sell your sperm could any man aged 18 to 35 years, and in some clinics and 40. For one portion of semen pay from 1.5 to 4 thousand rubles, but the money is easy to fail. Before taking the material, the doctors examine the donor along and across — would make blood tests for HIV and hepatitis, inspect the General condition of health, and sometimes will study DNA.

But that's not all. There are clinics who cum only after it passes the test krestonoscy. It may take up to 6 months, so a successful business on the delivery of this biological fluid build will fail. Before taking the sperm donor does not need 3-5 days to have sex, and even forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke and saunas and baths.

For the month, men can donate sperm 5-6 times, but very rarely clinic need so much material from one person. Another is to consider that physicians carefully consider how many children were born from the same donor. If they have 20 to 800 thousand inhabitants, in the future, cooperation is likely to be denied.

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

If a woman from 18 to 35 years old and she has at least one healthy child, then it may well become an egg donor. Unloading is performed under local anesthesia intravaginally. But just as in the case with semen wishing to take the egg waiting for a major medical examination. The egg can cost anywhere from 50 to 80 thousand rubles, and you can donate every three months, but not more than 6-8 times in life.

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

To donate blood in a specially equipped transfusion center, anyone who has already turned 18 years old, if, of course, weighs at least 50 kg. the Current worldwide standard who accepts the surrender of one donor 450 ml of blood in a single session. Men can donate every two months and women two or three times a month.

Payment donation is highly dependent on the region of the minimum subsistence level, typically 8 — 45% of it. In 2017, the donors received one submission 1200-7000 rubles. The price also depends on the blood group is a rare cost more. Besides money, donate blood for a pleasant bonus — 2 paid days of leave and chocolate.

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

In Russia, organ donation is regulated by several laws and is considered to be quite slippery issue. Living donor can only be a relative, spouse or relative of the spouse, and for the bodies of the dead and the remuneration is not allowed. It so happened that every one of us, if it isn't discussed in the will, and if not against the family, becoming an organ donor after death.

The removal of any organs and tissue from a person against his will falls under article 120 of the criminal code, a voluntary donation at the legislative level does not exist. While a voluntary transfer is not punishable if there are no signs of a crime under article 127 of the criminal code (purchase, sales person, for the purpose of removing the victim of tissues and organs). Interestingly, the law prohibiting the sale of organs, in Russia, but such action may cause issues with the donor, recipient and medical.

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

In the country there are companies providing services of organ donors with travel abroad. Usually the person who decided to sell a kidney or other organ, goes into one of Latin America, where the operation of this type are completely legitimate. In 2015, the representative of the company, working in this business, lifted the veil of secrecy and told about some of the details of the transactions.

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

Data on the cost of individual organs and tissues, which we further obtained from various sources. The numbers do not claim for accuracy, since they are called informally by donors or intermediaries. 2 buds are ready to pay 50 thousand dollars (3.8 million rubles), for the liver — to 200 thousand dollars (15.5 million rubles), and for pancreas — 70 thousand dollars (5,4 million rubles.

For bone marrow willing to pay 23 thousand dollars (1.7 million) per 1 gram. If you consider that in the adult body its about 2.5 kg, it is theoretically possible to gain 57.5 million dollars (4.4 billion), but actually to sell all of the marrow and even a significant part of it is impossible without critical consequences for the organism.

Light, 2 pieces, you can buy for 200 thousand dollars (15.5 million rubles), and one cornea is 350 thousand dollars (27 million). For the male or female genitals pay up to 15 thousand dollars (1.1 million rubles). Is the skeleton, which can also be profitable to sell it for parts.

Man of parts: how much is our body, disassembled donor organs

Full bone worth approximately $ 335 (26 thousand rubles), but something simpler, for example, the kneecap is just $ 35 (2.7 thousand rubles). Half of the skull can be purchased for $ 650 (50 thousand rubles). I should say that owning other people's bones in Russia is completely free, if you can explain how they got to you.

Finally, we should clarify that the approximate price of the organs and tissues is relevant only for cases, when taken from a living donor. If the materials obtained from a cadaver, the price immediately drops at least twice.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Market | Hair | Donor insemination | Organs | Price | Organ transplants | Transplantation

