Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

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Can't princesses have hairy chests?

Beauty guru Kandee Johnson and BuzzFeed Top Knot decided to turn a few guys into adorable Disney princesses.

And here's what came out of it.

(Total 10 photos)

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

1. A little magic - and Ned became a sultry and sweet Snow White.

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

2. The guy is just blown away by how handsome he is.

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

3. James dipped his feet into the sea and turned into Ariel.

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

4. Look at those red curls!

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

5. Brendan became the best Belle of all time.

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

6. 100% beauty, 0% roughness.

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

7. Jordan is now a graceful Tiana.

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

8. Who is excitedly preparing to meet her charming prince.

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

9. Finally, Ryan turned into an absolutely fabulous looking Jasmine.

Makeup Artist Turned These Five Guys Into Beautiful Disney Princesses

10. It is unlikely that the tiger Raja will be able to distinguish a copy from the original.

Keywords: Make-up artist | Disney | Boyfriend | Princess

