Lifetime burial: why do people volunteer yourself buried

Categories: Health and Medicine |

Among the various spiritual practices popular in our days, there is a very unusual and even scary. What do you think, to give ourselves time to bury him alive? Is not it rather a daunting prospect? But people who voluntarily bury themselves not so little, with most of them are not magicians and do not even yoga.

Lifetime burial: why do people volunteer yourself buried

Most of those who practice lifetime burial, argue that such practices are akin to meditation. It gives a person an opportunity to be yourself, to think about eternal and as a result, to feel the taste of life.

Lifetime burial: why do people volunteer yourself buried

Trainings, during which people buried in the ground, called differently. The organizers of such events claim that this procedure was in Vogue among the ancient peoples of Tibet and Siberia. Usually, attracting customers to the training, the organizers promise people deliverance from all existing phobias, and even from the fear of death.

According to such coaches, after such a funeral life becomes brighter and more fun, but specifies that the method is not for everyone. What exactly may not be suitable is usually not specified but it is understood that the "side effects" can take place.

The service of burial can be called available to everyone, depending on the popularity of the brand and complex of measures the price ranges from 2000 to 6000 rubles. There is also a category of Amateur lovers dig that go for his unusual training in secluded places.

A member of one of these groups, the extreme lover Alexander from Nizhny Novgorod, described a popular method of backfilling and alive feelings buried alive person. In 2014 in the company of four like-minded people, the guy went out of the city, where he received a frightening and questionable with the benefit of experience.

Alexander said that the panic overtook him still in the process of burying every inch of ground breathing was getting heavier. A moment later, it became impossible to move the body densely covered with slightly damp earth.

As it turned out, cleaned and updated following the treatment, our hero did not. The only effect that could mark Alexander, was a short feeling of increased brightness of colors of the surrounding world.

Lifetime burial: why do people volunteer yourself buried

But the namesake of Nizhni Novgorod from St. Petersburg, on the contrary, was very satisfied with the instillation. He has long been interested in various spiritual practices and likes to experiment. Buried Alexander 50 metres from the shore of lake Ladoga.

The man said that his complex was only the first three minutes. After that he was able to cope with the emotions and the next half-hour was spent in meditation. All underground Alexander spent an hour and ten minutes. It sure would have lasted longer, but watching him like-minded people decided that was enough and dug a makeshift grave.

Lifetime burial: why do people volunteer yourself buried

Your feelings after extraction from the ground the man described as "a burst of energy and boundless gratitude to the world for life." He was among the participants of the training and less trained people. In particular, Alexander remembered one of the girls who literally turned green from fear instillation, and after the extraction from the earth for two days could not come to himself and was shaking.

The organizers of such training never taken to guarantee the effect. They claim that "you just need to be open to new experiences", and only what happens in the process, very difficult to predict. Svetlana pilatova — one of the experts in the "samosohraneniya", I'm sure that in the instillation you can be disappointed, as in any other lesson, for example, skydiving. The man from the training one, and gets another, sometimes not quite clear to him.

Pilate told reporters that most of the visitors of its training — just extreme, but among them there are also those who struggle with psychological problems. Coach remembered the occasion when one girl got incredibly bright emotions and felt incomparable joy after completion of the training. She came back with impressions after a couple of weeks and was disappointed — it turned out that in the same river twice not to enter it.

Lifetime burial: why do people volunteer yourself buried

The woman adds that special effect that burial has on those who are on duty on top. Usually are people close to the person in "the tomb" and the process has almost more impact than the deceased.

A specialist in the field of burial alive, and told that there are several techniques of backfilling. Among the most spectacular of them, a woman called burying in a coffin, but added that the effect of such a procedure is usually blurred. According to Svetlana Pilatova, in a wooden box with a properly fed tube for the air supply can be as long as it does not get bored.

And what they say on this occasion, the representatives of official medicine? The doctor-psychotherapist of the highest category Alexander Fedorovich agreed to comment on the burying alive and told the press the following:

Lifetime burial: why do people volunteer yourself buried

The doctor believes that burying is not a game. For people with phobic and neurotic problems it can be a colossal load, which will result in the problem of unpredictable nature. In practice, Alexander F. there were cases when after such a training, people were in psychiatric hospitals.

By the way, do you know why the graves for the dead dig to a depth of exactly 2 meters? This is justified reasons, which are familiar to man for hundreds of years.

Keywords: Grave | Funeral | Psychology | Coaching | Spirituality

