Life on the sunken ship underwater photographer and diver Andreas Franke
The USS Mighty Mo class Mohawk sank a few decades ago.
Once sank to the bottom of the ocean to explore the sunken ship, Andreas Franke (Andreas Franke) Austrian professional underwater photographer and diver, decided to give the Mighty Mo a second life.
The filming technique was very difficult. First Andreas Franke have produced life-size figures of sailors and their girlfriends. And took pictures in the Studio.
Then moved the figures of people on the ship and then photographed scenes of everyday shipboard life: if Mighty Mo didn't sink.
The boatswain thoughtfully examined: how strong is the wind today?
A little frivolous, but romantic.
These girls are boarded and are waiting for their Boyfriends.
And those lights up right on the deck.
A sailor's life is full of harsh conflict.
The sailor must be in good physical shape.
Well, what the marine life without romance?
Work in the engine room — not to everyone under force.
Goodbye? Fight?
Still, a warship is first and foremost a grueling job.