Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder

Categories: Photo project |

Californian photographer Tim Tadder resurrected the ruler of the underworld, Mictlanciuatl, who was worshiped by the Aztecs in ancient times. He created a series of original photographs of Las Muertas dedicated to this goddess of the underworld. Tudder was inspired to create an unusual photo cycle by the Mexicans, who annually organize the Day of the Dead festival, or Dia De Los Muertos. At this event, women traditionally wear skull masks to commemorate the roots of the festival, dating back to the time of the Aztecs, who revered Mictlancihuatl.

(Total 8 photos)

Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder
Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder

1. Tim Tudder was assisted by make-up artist Christian and costume designer Julia Reaser in creating a series of portraits of Las Muertas.

Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder

2. The bright colors chosen for the modern Persephone have an important symbolic meaning, they indicate the mortal danger and beauty of the heroines walking the land of the dead.

Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder


Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder


Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder


Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder


Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder


Las Muertas: Deadly Beauties by Tim Tudder


Keywords: Girls | Day of the Dead | Mexico | Portraits | Death

