Kote is everywhere

Categories: Animals | Positive |

Kote is everywhere. No seriously. You think that you are alone, but believe me - KOTE EVERYWHERE!!! They are watching us, they are constantly plotting something, and even when you want to relax and be alone, know that cats can be inconspicuous and silent. They are close. They are close.

(Total 20 photos)

Kote is everywhere

Kote is everywhere

1. Here you go into the room and with relief think "Oh, there are no cats here." But you are wrong. Take a closer look.

Kote is everywhere

2. The thing is, cats are masters of disguise. See for yourself.

Kote is everywhere

3. And if at first glance you decided that on this sofa there are only a bunch of old pieces of paper and a teddy bear, think again.

Kote is everywhere

4. It's not just an empty box thrown on the floor.

Kote is everywhere

5. It would seem that an empty bed that whispers “Come to me” on Monday mornings. But... is this bed as empty as it seems?

Kote is everywhere

6. Yes, yes, cats are around, even when you go to the toilet!

Kote is everywhere

7. Well, at least our bath is a holy place. Here we can definitely be alone. Oh nooo...

Kote is everywhere

8. They're even in the fridge!

Kote is everywhere

9. With sleepy eyes, you go to brew coffee, and there ...

Kote is everywhere

10. And in the evening, after coming home from work, you want to sit in your favorite chair, and there ...

Kote is everywhere

11. You want to look out the window and enjoy the view of the beautiful roses that you have planted, and there ...

Kote is everywhere

12. You want to play billiards with your friends, and there ...

Kote is everywhere

13. Master of Disguise!

Kote is everywhere

14. Think you're lonely? No, they are always there.

Kote is everywhere

15. No comment.

Kote is everywhere

16. Well, who else could hide so imperceptibly?

Kote is everywhere

17. Boxes are cats' favorite places.

Kote is everywhere

18. Cats are everywhere!

Kote is everywhere

19. Shrouded in mystery, veiled in the dark side of the universe and hidden from the eyes of mortals - cats are nearby.

Kote is everywhere

20. Cats are everywhere!

Keywords: Cats

