Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex

If you planned a romantic date with a girl, make sure that your daily diet lacked these 5 products. Otherwise, instead of the evening and a stormy night, you expect a complete disappointment.

Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex
Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex

Like any other junk food (high calorie foods with low biological value), hot dogs contain large amounts of saturated fat. And they are known to reduce the circulation of blood that would be completely inappropriate before the upcoming erection.

If you want the blood evenly got all the bodies, refrain from eating hot dogs. Otherwise, there is a risk that at the right time you will become sluggish and slow.

Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex

If you think that drinking energy drink before sex, you will become a real sexual giant, you are sadly mistaken. These drinks really give the desired effect, but only briefly. After "shatter enchantment", you will begin to feel lethargy and irritability. Not the best mood to have sex, right?

And if you overdo it with the amount of power may occur so-called "overdose" that is accompanied by increased sweating, recoordinate movements, confusion and wildly pounding heart. Agree that this is also pleasant enough.

Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex

"What's wrong with cheese?", — you will be surprised. After all, it is possible to prepare so many unscrupulous tasty dishes! Besides, cheese is often referred to as the "right" food.

Scientists in this respect there is an opinion. It turns out that cheese has the ability to make sperm more viscous (like persimmon saliva). In addition, some people after consuming cheese, you may experience heaviness in the abdomen. To enjoy sex at the same time thinking about the toilet and "Pancreatin" will be quite difficult.

Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex

French fries are very rich in harmful TRANS fats that lead to lower testosterone levels and affect blood circulation (as we have already told above). In addition, this crunchy snack usually generously seasoned with salt, and it has a negative effect on blood pressure.

In General, anyway, and the French fries are harmful to health and libido in particular, so go easy on this product is not worth it, especially before sex.

Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex

Earlier we already told you how different types of alcohol affect sexual performance. Now let's talk separately about wine, and to be more precise, about the risks from its use.

In General, wine is not for nothing called "the best drink for a date". From him you will not "cut down" on the first minute, and present in some wines wood, nutmeg and cherry notes, even have a positive effect, acting as aphrodisiacs for ladies.

However, keep in mind that this drink reduces the sensitivity to touch, therefore, it is possible to achieve an erection will be more difficult than usual.

Keywords: Food | Wine | Attraction | Desire | Potatoes | Foods | Sex life | Sexually | Cheese | Hot dog | Energy

