Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

Categories: Animals |

These lemurs don't seem to be aware that they are one of the rarest primate species on earth. Very calmly and recklessly they jump across the expanses of Madagascar. Black and white lemurs are happy to demonstrate their agility by jumping on their hind legs. These amazing shots were taken by photographer Dale Morris.

(Total 18 photos)

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

1. By the way, in this picture there is actually only one lemur - the photographer took a frame-by-frame shooting, so it seems that there are five lemurs here, although in fact they are one and the same.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

2. A British photographer traveled to Madagascar to get close to these charismatic primates.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

3. More than 100 species of lemurs live in Madagascar, and all sifakas are rare and are in the “vulnerable” and “endangered” categories.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

4. 40-year-old photographer Dale Morris has managed to photograph these rare species and has many interesting shots of these amazing animals in his collection.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

5. Although his expedition was not without drama.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

6. He says that lemurs, for example, cats, are so accustomed to people that they are not afraid of them at all. Moreover, they can even cause all sorts of minor annoyances.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

7. For example, one group of lemurs invaded his hotel room when he left the window open.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

8. "Many diurnal species of lemurs live in reserves, and they are all accustomed to tourists who want to photograph them."

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

9. “They go about their usual business, not paying attention to who is watching them.”

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

10. "They might even invade your hotel room looking for food if you leave the window open."

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

11. “During one such photo shoot, one lemur even pooped on my T-shirt. And one day I woke up in my room from the fact that a group of frisky lemurs jumped on my bed.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

12. "They, of course, ran away when I woke up, but they took with them bananas and a pack of cigarettes, which I then found completely torn in the forest."

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

13. Mr Morris is a freelance photographer based in London. He went to the forests in the southern part of Madagascar to see rare species of lemurs.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

14. This is a rather risky journey, because. trees are very thorny, and branches can break off and fall down at the slightest disturbance.

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

15. “I was surprised to see so many beautiful species of lemurs here - there are more than 100 of them, but, unfortunately, they are all close to extinction.”

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar

16. “I learned that once upon a time there lived a species of lemur on Earth that was the size of a man. That would be a spectacle."

Jumping lemurs of Madagascar


Jumping lemurs of Madagascar


Keywords: Lemurs | Madagascar | Primates

