Jetpack, right boot and brother: what did passengers forget in a taxi in 2017

Categories: North America |

Probably, many of us are familiar with this terrible feeling when you realize that you forgot your phone (wallet, keys or bag) in a taxi. And what, I wonder, does a person who forgot a diamond or a cat in the car feel? Yes, there are such passengers. Uber has compiled a list of the most unexpected items that American taxi drivers found in their salons in 2017.

Jetpack, right boot and brother: what did passengers forget in a taxi in 2017
Jetpack, right boot and brother: what did passengers forget in a taxi in 2017

In addition to such ordinary things as a phone, wallet, backpack, glasses, passengers left completely unexpected items in the cabin: several bags of dirt from the Dead Sea, a letter from a guy from prison, a jetpack. In total, a list of 50 things turned out.

Some forgot documents: divorce certificates, tax return, marriage certificate, college diploma. Others are wardrobe items: a Burger King cap, a felt hat with a feather, a red raincoat, for some reason only the right shoe and — we don't know if this can be attributed to clothing - a bulletproof vest.

Among the finds were musical instruments: harmonica, ukulele, flute.

Jetpack, right boot and brother: what did passengers forget in a taxi in 2017

Other amazing things found in the taxi are the Star Wars encyclopedia, a box with hair extensions, a statue of a French bulldog, pink stuffed animals, glowing Minnie Mouse ears, an orange inflatable mattress, a cat, a gold false jaw and a 1.3 carat diamond. And some overly forgetful passenger even managed to leave his brother in the car.

Jetpack, right boot and brother: what did passengers forget in a taxi in 2017

Uber also said that most things are forgotten in a taxi on weekends, which is not surprising. It turned out that on Sundays passengers most often forget their phones, on Saturdays — wallets, on Fridays — backpacks. On Monday, people leave glasses in cars, on Tuesday — passports, on Wednesdays — books, and on Thursday — laptops. And the most "forgetful" day for the whole year was September 17.

Keywords: Finds | Passengers | Strange | Taxi

