Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

One of the things we enjoy the most is looking at idiosyncratic, interesting, and original works of art that push the boundaries of what we as a society consider beautiful and acceptable. No one can deny that Japanese artist Satoshi Kawasaki is amazingly resourceful and loves to create incredibly detailed and sometimes bizarre drawings.

Kawasaki recently created a series of illustrations of what humans would look like if they had the skeletal structure of certain animals and looked exactly like them.


Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals
Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

1. The turtle's skeleton is quite unique, and the shell is basically made up of a "thorax" like a rib, with a shoulder blade and a pelvis in it. Based on this turtle skeleton, what happens if you try it on yourself?

Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals
Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

2. Flamingos often stand on one leg and sleep with one leg upright. The flamingo's body shape is also extreme.

Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

3. The horse "lost" all of its toes except the middle one due to evolution.

Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

4. There have been many requests for a penguin skeleton applied to a human body.

Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

5. There are various environments on earth, such as grasslands, forests, mountains, seas, skies, and underground spaces. Animals have adapted and evolved to different environments, but the parts of the body that show the greatest change in adaptation are the "front legs" (hands).

Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

6. Illustration "Reproduction of bat wings with human hands."

Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

7. In Greek mythology, half-human monsters called "harpies" appeared.

Japanese illustrator shows what people would look like if we had the bones of various animals

8. The difference between the wings of bats and pterosaurs in human hands.

Keywords: Japanese illustrator | Illustrations | Human anatomy | Animals skeleton | Japanese artist | Drawings

