Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents

Categories: Auto | Photo project |

Danish photographer Nikolai Hovalt has created a sad but instructive photo project about how important it is to be careful behind the wheel and not neglect safety on the road. He captured the insides of cars that crashed in terrible accidents.

The photo project does not mention the names of the drivers or any details of the accidents, but the pictures show that most of the accidents were fatal or serious injuries. This is a vivid reminder to careless riders who do not fasten their seat belts, get behind the wheel drunk or overworked and violate traffic rules.

Looking at these photos, it's hard not to imagine yourself in these front seats, not to think about how it all ended for the driver and passengers, and what awaits each of us ahead. Be careful when driving.

Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents
Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents


Inside cars that crashed in terrible accidents

Keywords: Accident | Cars | Accidents | Wreckage | Photographer

