Incels: who are they and where did they come from
Today, new terms appear on the Internet almost daily and very often their meaning is not obvious. One of the new concepts that is used everywhere today is the word "incel", which is directly related to modern youth.

In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, this word began to be used in 2018. Like most popular concepts, it came to us from English-language forums, where it has not been considered a novelty for a long time. Abroad, this term has been used for a very long time, since about 1997. Translated from English, it means "involuntary celibate", that is, "involuntary abstinence".
The image of incel is often used in movies today
Incels are called young men who are unlucky with intimate life. Most often this word is used in relation to guys aged 22-25 years, that is, quite sexually mature. This category of youth does not include adolescents who have difficulties with sexual life due to their young age, men who are physically unable to have intimate relationships, people with disabilities or those who abstain due to principles or religious beliefs.
Asexuals who do not feel the need for a close relationship also do not fall under this definition. Incel is a young, healthy man who aspires to sexual relations, but suffers a fiasco in this due to some circumstances related to himself.

Considering the reasons for failures, we can conclude that most often such guys are to blame for failures on the love front. The reason may be unwillingness to take care of yourself, inability to choose suitable topics for conversation, obsession with your problems. There are many factors that can repel women and make a man uninteresting to them.It is also worth noting that many incels have a very high opinion of themselves. Accordingly, the requirements for the ladies are also overstated. Give them girls with exceptionally attractive appearance, with an easy-going character, smart, loyal and financially secure.
Those who, according to some criteria, do not fall into the number of such lucky women, incels are called "friends" and are not considered as an option for a relationship. Often there is also an arrogant attitude towards women, as representatives of second-class society, who have only material goods and handsome men with chiseled profiles on their minds.

Almost always incels suffer from porn addiction to one degree or another. Constant viewing of adult videos featuring actors and actresses with "outstanding" physical data further strengthens incel complexes. These guys hardly distinguish between reality and the ideal world created by the porn industry, in which all women are passionate and as accessible as possible, and men always get their way.
Of course, given the personal qualities of such a guy and his requests to girls, we can confidently say that the chances of finding a soul mate with them very much tend to zero. But incels have their own coherent theory, which effectively justifies all their failures, making anyone to blame except themselves.
Incel and Chad
First of all, these guys are sure that all women prefer tall men with a protruding chin and a flat nape. In addition, the chances of success are significantly increased by a bold look. The way a man dresses, whether he watches his appearance and figure and how financially secure, according to incels, does not play a key role.Guys with manly chins, whom incels call "cheds", allegedly get the best girls in this imperfect world. Accordingly, the rest get "all-rounders" or, most often, nothing at all. Do the incels see any way out for themselves?
There can be two options. Some decide to accept the fact that they did not come out with a chin and get used to the idea that they will have to remain a virgin forever. But there are also those who decide to fight the "cheds" and seek equality and justice.
Elliot Rodger, who killed 6 and injured 13 people, and then committed suicide
Incels also have their own "heroes". As a rule, these are those who took up arms and committed mass murders, trying to "improve society". They include Mark Lepin, Elliot Rodger, William Atchinson, Nikolas Cruz, Alek Minasyan and others. In Russia, the "Kerch shooter" Vladislav Roslyakov and the Muscovite Dmitry Vinogradov were honored, who, although they were not classical incels, but had murder motives suitable for their theory.
Fortunately for us, the vast majority of incels are "couch wrestlers", capable only of angry posts on the Internet and mass raids on the accounts of "cheds". It is easy to recognize them by their posts and comments — they are imbued with a dismissive attitude towards women and aggression towards a society that has not provided equal opportunities for all men.
Keywords: Virginity | Internet | Complexes | Youth | Guys | Reality | Term