In your refrigerator

Looking into refrigerators when visiting is considered not very decent, but it is still very interesting what its contents can tell about its owner? Is it possible to determine what culture a person belongs to? Does the busy pace of life in big cities affect food culture in general? We already tried to answer this question once, thanks to the photo project “You are what you eat” by Mark Menjivar. And looking into other people's refrigerators turned out to be quite exciting.

In your refrigerator
In your refrigerator

Today we present to you a similar project “In Your Fridge”, authored by French-Canadian Stephanie de Rougé. Stephanie, who lives in New York, implemented the project in her own way - she attached a photo of the owners in the interior to each photo in order to give, if possible, their social and psychological portrait.

In your refrigerator
In your refrigerator
1. Aurora (jewelry designer). Lives in Paris.

In your refrigerator
In your refrigerator
2. Sharmaine (analyst). In the refrigerator, she keeps a Barbie doll on an “altar” of sorts, which Charmaine says is an altar of love for her husband, Mark. The couple lives in New York.

In your refrigerator
3. Monique (retired). Lives in Paris.

In your refrigerator
4. Michael Cro (artist) and his wife Muriel (German teacher). They live in Paris.

In your refrigerator
5. Yvette (a housewife), her husband Tobias (an information security consultant) and their four children - Cassandra, Nova, Olivia and Timate.

In your refrigerator
6. Benjamin (Director of Strategic Development) and Edwin (Independent Consultant). Live in Brooklyn, New York.

In your refrigerator
7. Michael, chief accountant, Faina, auditor, and their children - Adrian and Arman. They live in Paris.

In your refrigerator
8. Marie, school teacher from Paris.

In your refrigerator
9. Fred, artist and painter from Brooklyn.

In your refrigerator
10. Francis, a café owner, and Josephine, an actress, director and theater manager. They live in the French city of Saint-Ouen.

In your refrigerator
11. Thierry, actor from Paris.

In your refrigerator
12. Pierre, journalist from Paris.

In your refrigerator
13. Lucy (student), Erica (student), Luca (student), Mahmoud (orderly), Cedric (student), Elaine (student). They live in Brooklyn.

In your refrigerator
14. Timati, restaurant manager. Lives in Brooklyn.

In your refrigerator
15. Blandine (housewife), Juliet and Gabriel. They live in New York.

In your refrigerator
16. Edwin, writer. Lives in Brooklyn.

In your refrigerator
17. Salah (waiter), Elizabeth (housekeeper) and Hayat (immigration agent). Live in Queens, New York.

In your refrigerator
18. Corentin (university teacher), Jerome (commercial director), Vivienne (manager), Kadafi (entrepreneur), Tina (au pair), Armen (broker), Madja (student), Greg (university teacher), Sutisa (student), Benjamin (marketing director), Cecile (fashion PR manager), Jeremy (student). They live in New Jersey.

In your refrigerator
19. Hiroyoku (reporter). Lives in Queens.

