In the land of lilliputians: amazing photos of giant plants on Sakhalin

Categories: Nature | Social Networks |

Sakhalin has become a place of distribution of giant plants. Ordinary burdocks, buckwheat and white-tailed beetle grow to gigantic sizes here, reaching five meters in height. Travelers claim that in the northern part of the island and on the Kuril Islands, you can find entire plantations of green giants. In other places, these plants grow up to a maximum height of the knee, but on the Far Eastern island they exceed the height of a person several times. Find out what caused the unusual growth of herbs in the Far East from our material.

In the land of lilliputians: amazing photos of giant plants on Sakhalin

Russian scientists have been studying huge plants in certain regions of Sakhalin for many years. Buckwheat grows up to three meters in height, and burdock – up to five meters. It looks like a fairy tale, but the photos that are distributed in social networks prove the opposite.

In the land of lilliputians: amazing photos of giant plants on Sakhalin

Specialists of the Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics and the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted numerous studies of green giants in 12 locations in the south of Sakhalin and on the island of Kunashir. They found unusual plants only in certain regions of the studied territory. Scientists suggest that their size is affected by tectonic activity, which creates certain thermal conditions.

In the land of lilliputians: amazing photos of giant plants on Sakhalin

Obviously, the impressive size of the greenery depends on the environmental conditions. If these plants are planted elsewhere, they will grow only to normal size. Giants grow on clay and swampy soil over the faults of the Earth's crust, from which heat and petroleum hydrocarbons flow to the roots.

In the land of lilliputians: amazing photos of giant plants on Sakhalin

A high concentration of copper and chromium can also affect the extraordinary growth of herbs.

In the land of lilliputians: amazing photos of giant plants on Sakhalin

Photos of people in the middle of an unusual jungle on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, posted on social networks, amazed users around the world. The amazing shots caused different reactions: many residents of the Far East claim that this is true, while others consider it fiction.

Plants react to the conditions in which they are, just like living beings. Love and care for flowerpots can transform even dried roots and turn them into luxurious flowers.

Keywords: Nature | Island | Russian federation | Plants | Photos | Conditions | Environment | Scientists | Research | Giants | Grass | Sakhalin | Places | Amazing | Giant | Soil | Large size | Social networks | Users

