Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

What you are about to see are some pretty dark illustrations showing us what is wrong with society. Artist Mimi N. performed the SUN project along with four other contributors. Mimi started working on these comics in 2007. They became her therapy for the treatment of epileptic seizures. Since then, she has continued to provide us with an open interpretation of the boundaries between happiness and sadness, beauty and ugliness, and more.


Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

1. The child is stuck between two bickering parents who do not see him.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

2. We can all relate to this illustration because we always strive for acceptance on social media.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

3. Words can hurt like a blow, or in this case, like hundreds of nails driven into the back.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

4. Life is like a show and we try to play our roles on stage.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

5. This is a great illustration of what suffering from social anxiety and insecurity looks like.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

6. In a world where everyone believes that money is everything, people will break their backs to earn more.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

7. Sometimes we need to be different.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

8. You probably felt that your parents were pushing you to get that perfect A (five) in school.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

9. What friends can say behind your back.

Illustrations reflecting what's wrong with our society

10. Everyone had such moments.

Keywords: Illustration | Society | People | World | Problem | Social problems | Beauty | Ugliness | Family | Social media | Happiness | Relationship | Project | Design | Designer | Art | Comics

