How to make a garage a real place

The French photographer Jeremy Buchholz didn't have the money to buy an apartment in Bordeaux. Then he's on the cheap I bought a garage in the city centre. Relatively little time, money and a little more imagination and courage — so Jeremy became the owner of a great apartment with an area of 41 square meter.

How to make a garage a real place
How to make a garage a real place

1. Before buying the garage looked not very presentable.

How to make a garage a real place


How to make a garage a real place

3. Appearance after repair.

How to make a garage a real place


How to make a garage a real place


How to make a garage a real place


How to make a garage a real place

7. In the process of remaking the garage space was divided into several zones: a kitchen, a small living room, workplace.

How to make a garage a real place

8. The bedroom is located on the second floor of the apartment, which leads up a narrow staircase.

How to make a garage a real place

9. There was a place in the apartment and a small but nice bathroom.

Here's a lovely little apartment has turned from seemingly normal garage.

Keywords: Garage | Apartment | Photographer | France

