How to look perfectly symmetrical face

Categories: Photo project |

Symmetrical facial features are considered to be one of the main criteria of beauty for both women and men. But how fair is this theory?

How to look perfectly symmetrical face
How to look perfectly symmetrical face

How to look perfectly symmetrical face
How to look perfectly symmetrical face

Fashion photographer Alex John Beck decided to test the importance of "facial symmetry" in the issue of the attractiveness of the example photos of normal people. He shared a photo of each participant of the experiment into 2 parts – left and right, and then "your mirror" every part of the face so that the result is a photo with perfect symmetry.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face
How to look perfectly symmetrical face

The result of his work seems a little contradictory. People with the natural symmetry "experimental" snapshots are not much different from the usual.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face

The photographer immediately showed symmetric variants of the participants of the photo shoot.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face

For obvious reasons, these "ideal" options more pleasing to those participants who have been the natural symmetry.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face

Alex John Beck says, looking at the images, the impression that they are likely to represent a distant relative of the model rather than the model itself.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face

But the owners of the "wrong" people, receiving their "enhanced" photo, responded quite restrained, even if a new version of it looked very pretty and attractive.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face

Individual participants of the experiment, the end result puzzled and even frustrated.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face

Some features of the appearance evident in every portrait of a very curious way: for example, the face and neck this man look thinner on the left and on the right is much more massive.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face

The photographer tried to preserve the structural integrity of the processed images below image result look as natural as possible.

How to look perfectly symmetrical face

It would be logical to show the viewer original portrait of model, but Beck did not do, in order to avoid trying to compare the model with its symmetric version. The author of the project, on the contrary, tried to force the viewer to concentrate attention on the resulting, "experimental" photos.

Keywords: Face photo project | Symmetry

