"How do you like your mother?", or Why did the LGBT activist change her patronymic to "motherhood"

Categories: Society |

Alla Chikinda, an employee of the LGBT Resource Center, realized her long-standing dream and changed her patronymic to "motherhood" in the documents. Now her full name looks like Alla Irinovna Chikinda and the woman is incredibly proud of it. Why have they been taking "mateship" more and more often lately and what do less "advanced" citizens think about it? (Careful! There is profanity).

"How do you like your mother?", or Why did the LGBT activist change her patronymic to "motherhood"

To journalists' questions about what prompted her to change her patronymic, Alla Irinovna answers that since her mother gave birth to her, it is quite logical that her name should be indicated in the documents. The activist has other strong arguments, but she believes that one is enough for a sane person.

Was Vasilyevna, and became Irinovna

So far, Alla Chikinda has only changed her birth certificate and, according to her, it was not very difficult. To change the data in the birth certificate, you just need to write an application, pay the state fee and wait a month. Now the girl plans to add the matronym (so correctly called "mateship") to other documents and this, according to her, can turn into a real quest.

"How do you like your mother?", or Why did the LGBT activist change her patronymic to "motherhood"

The news about the change of Alla's patronymic quickly spread across the Internet and users did not skimp on their assessments of this event. There are people among them who fully support the initiative of Chikinda, but in most cases commentators doubt the adequacy of the girl and do not even hesitate at the same time in expressions.

I must say that Alla Irinovna Chekinda is far from a pioneer in the matter of changing the patronymic. There are already many examples in Russia when matronyms are added to documents in order to pay tribute to the mother.

"How do you like your mother?", or Why did the LGBT activist change her patronymic to "motherhood"
"How do you like your mother?", or Why did the LGBT activist change her patronymic to "motherhood"
"How do you like your mother?", or Why did the LGBT activist change her patronymic to "motherhood"

There are quite extraordinary solutions, as they say, "neither yours nor ours."

"How do you like your mother?", or Why did the LGBT activist change her patronymic to "motherhood"

Yes, it's rude, but it's hard not to agree with his opinion. No less strange are people who change their names for selfish purposes or for fun.

Keywords: Activists | Documents | Lgbt | Passport | Feminists

