Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

Categories: Animals | People | Photo project | World |

If you’re an animal lover, chances are you’re a fan of veterinarians too. They keep our pets happy and healthy, and they are our go-to resources when little Spot swallows something she shouldn’t have or Pickles comes home limping on a hurt paw. And while being a vet can be incredibly stressful and challenging, it can also, thankfully, be extremely rewarding.

Below, you'll find some of the most adorable, hilarious, and wholesome moments vets have experienced in their clinics that might make you wish you had chosen a career in animal health care, as well as an interview we were lucky enough to receive from Dr. Julie Cappel, the Veterinary Life Coach. Be sure to upvote the pics you find particularly heartwarming, and feel free to share any personal stories in the comments if you are a vet or have ever worked in a veterinarian's office. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article celebrating all of the precious patients vets get to see every day, look no further than right here.


Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#1 This Swan Hugging The Vet Who Saved Its Life

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#2 This Veterinarian Has A Comfort-Dog Assistant That Helps Sick Patients Know That Everything Will Be Alright

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#3 Young Koala Came To Us With Dog Fight Wounds And I Noticed She Had A Lactating Nipple. It Took A Full Day, But We Were Able To Find And Reunite Her With Her Baby

To learn more about what it's really like to be a veterinarian, we reached out to Dr. Julie Cappel or the Veterinary Life Coach. When it comes to what Dr. Cappel loves most about being a vet, she told Bored Panda that it's the variety of tasks and challenges that she faces every day. "The people may be lovely or terrible, but in all cases, they love their pets like family, and that makes our job so rewarding," she shared. "We get to serve the pet-owning public in a way that is unmatched in any other profession. The relationship that we form with the pets and their families lasts a lifetime and we share the highs and the lowest lows. Veterinarians are unique and wonderful."

We were also curious if Dr. Cappel has any favorite patients or any particularly fond memories with them. "I love all of my patients - except the ones that try to bite me," she says. "In particular, I love the parrots because they interact in unique ways - they can talk. So sometimes they say funny things or just act out when they hear my voice. One of my parrot patients says, 'I'm scared' when I walk into the room with her. Another says, 'Pet the birdie! Don't eat the birdie'. I also am very fond of all the puppies and kittens. They always bring excitement to our hospital day because they are so cute and happy, and we get to watch them grow up and capture their families' hearts."

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#4 Another Vet Checkup. Another Instance Of Scared Big Boy With His Support Animal

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#5 When Everyone Else Has Gone Home

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#6 Doug Has His Own Sign And It's Almost The Best Part. He Was So Quiet I Didn't Notice Him At First

We also asked Dr. Cappel if she could share any funny stories from working in her clinic. "There are so many," she told Bored Panda. "I had a client show me her knee surgery scar by dropping her pants in the waiting room. I had a gentleman come in with pet sugar gliders that he released in the room and they were jumping and gliding all over our heads, in and out of our pockets, terrorizing the veterinary technician. There have been many pets left on our doorstep over the years, some with notes attached asking us to find them a home."

We then asked Dr. Cappel what she thinks the most important qualities of a wonderful vet are. "I think all veterinarians are great and uniquely special," she shared. "It takes a special kind of person to take on the responsibilities that veterinary medicine brings and also keep their sense of humor and curiosity."

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#7 Cheesecake Goes To The Vet

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#8 My Girlfriend Is A Veterinarian. This Is How I Found Her Today After Last Night's Overnight Shift

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#9 9-Week-Old Maine Coon Kittens, Waiting For Their Vet Check

"There is so much pressure put on us from the pet-owning public, and our pay scale is much below that of our human medical counterparts," Dr. Cappel added. "We also are experiencing a severe shortage of veterinarians and technicians, which adds to the daily pressure and subtracts from our work/life balance. In order to be an excellent and healthy veterinarian, someone has to have a solid appreciation for themselves and have the ability to set boundaries in order to not allow the 'negative' clients to bring them down. Veterinarians also need to design a life outside of veterinary medicine that includes strong family and friends, and mental health support."

Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work

#10 My Boy Got Neutered Yesterday. The Vet Office Took A Photo For Me After He Woke Up

Keywords: Hilarious Moments | Wholesome Moments | Animal lovers | Animals | Pets

