Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie

Categories: Photo project |

A photographer from Vancouver named Dina Goldstein presented a series of photographs illustrating the secret life of Barbie and Ken behind the pink shutters of the Dream House. Soundly and competently made, these works still cause a feeling of deja vu.

Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie

There is a feeling that Dina Goldstein has set herself the goal of illustrating all the most popular cliches about the family life of a star couple: there are constant hints of Ken's unconventional orientation, and obsession with shopping, and the indisputable pink dominant, and plastic-sleek life, and Barbie's dreams of a courageous GI Joe, and attempts to pull out the inner tragedy being a Barbie, which absolutely must be.

Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie
Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie
Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie

Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie
Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie
Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie
Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie

Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie
Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie
Hell in a Dollhouse: Ken doesn't like Barbie
