Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

Categories: Food and Drinks |

One of the reasons why Halloween is such a favorite holiday is because it gives you a reason to let your imagination run wild. Whether you're designing the perfect costume, decorating your home like a haunted mansion, or creating horrific treats for your guests, it doesn't matter, just be creative! Well, in this post, we invite you to look at rather "contradictory" dishes: on the one hand, these are quite edible and tasty dishes that we all ate and love, but on the other hand, they are made in such a style that, at times, I want to return my breakfast.

In a word, delicious, but looks terrible. Take note - there will be something to treat guests on Halloween. Bon appetit!

(Total 23 photos)

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

1. Raspberry marmalade in the form of worms with chocolate chips (in the form of earth).

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

2. Sausage in the dough in the form of a mummy.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

3. Poor...

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

4. Marshmallow and peanut butter in the form of dirty earwax sticks.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

5. Pumpkin vomited by guacamole.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

6. No, this is not a cat litter box. It's a pie!

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

7. Cookies in the form of witch fingers.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

8. Or maybe not witches ...

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

9. Another creative Halloween cake - in the form of human (or maybe not) entrails.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

10. Strawberry cake "Birth of a new life."

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

11. Biscuits in the form of excrement.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

12. Marmalade in the form of brains.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

13. Cookies in the form of embryos.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

14. Snake pie.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

15. I mean, in the form of a snake, not from a snake.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

16. Cookies in the form of patches.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

17. Watermelon skulls.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

18. Soup ... just soup ...

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

19. Dates with cream cheese, walnuts and cockroaches.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

20. Jelly heart.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

21. Raw turkey pie.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

22. Really, ribs.

Halloween Dishes: Delicious but looks awful

23. A hand made of meat. No, not human. Although…

Keywords: Dish | Food | Halloween

