Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

If you’re somewhere near your thirties, you’ve probably already found out that sleeping is worth more than gold. Not to mention that you just have to clock in the appropriate amount of hours resting, but also have to do so on the most comfortable mattress (not too firm and not too soft), snuggly covered in a slightly heavy blanket, and an orthopedic pillow supporting your precious cranium. And if merely a thought of an uncomfortable sleeping position makes you cringe, you definitely do not want to see the following list; mostly because you’re likely to get jealous of the relaxation capabilities of these kitty cats.

Now, it’s no news that we, humans, will never be as flexible as our beloved cute cats, but the positions that they can sleep in still manage to amaze us. These fluffy purr balls can contort their four-legged bodies in such spots, that even the best circus acrobat would never be able to recreate them, not to mention comfortably sleep in. You might feel the urge to throw in the comment, that all of the funny cats are liquids and they can fit anywhere, but after checking this compilation of weird cats in their sleeping positions, you’ll probably agree that this way of resting is only appropriate for demonic entities.

If you feel that your cringe-digesting capability hasn’t been maxed out today, check the freaky sleeping cats below. As improbable as it may seem, the cats in these funny pictures are most likely having the best sleep in their whole nine lives.


Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#1 This Guy Found The Best Place In The Park To Rest

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#2 My Kitten Likes To Sleep In My Boyfriend's Motorbike Helmet

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#3 My Cat Fell Asleep In My Salad

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#4 The Three Siblings Taking A Nap

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#5 I Know Cats Like To Sleep In Weird Positions, But This Is Probably The Most Ridiculous

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#6 D'awww Monday Agaaaain?

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#7 My Cat Always Covers His Private Bits When Sleeping On His Back, Because He Is A Decent, Upstanding Member Of Society

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#8 My 3 Lbs Kitten's Favorite Place To Nap Is On Top Of, Underneath, Inside, And Next To Our 70 Lbs Golden Retriever

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#9 My Cat When He Thinks There's No One Home

Funny Cats Sleeping In Weirdest Positions Ever

#10 Very Few Things Disturb Her Sleep

Keywords: Funny cats | Funny pets | Cat photos | Weirdest positions | Kitty cats | Sleeping position | Animals

