Friends staged a fake funeral for a guy who spent all his time with his girlfriend
When 20-year-old Kieran Cable from Wales started dating 19-year-old Jess Ferguson, his friends thought he was out of their lives. After a year and a half of unanswered calls and messages, Cable's 50 friends decided to surprise him by giving him a "funeral" - with a coffin, a hearse, and even a eulogy!
“Kieran fought for a year and a half to keep his friendship with his friends, but he did not succeed, and now he has gone to heaven. What hurts the most is that we were deprived of valuable goodbye minutes after his status went from being single to being in a relationship.”
(Total 9 photos)
Source: boredpanda.com1. “We thought he was dead because none of us had seen him for a year and a half,” says Kieran’s friend Ben.
2. “We got together in a pub a couple of weeks ago and decided to give him some kind of funeral.”
4. "One of the guys, Sean Bundy, spent a little more time organizing and making a coffin all weekend."
5. "Kieran had no idea what was going on, he thought he was going to watch rugby, but ended up in a coffin!"
6. “I rented a hearse and we took the coffin from pub to pub!”
7. "One of the guys was a curate and read texts from the Old Testament."
8. "It was legendary!"
Keywords: Coffin | Friendship | Friends | Relationship | Funeral