Frames that have become past to their authors

Categories: Catastrophes |

This collection of photographs that will touch you for a living. Among these images a lot of fakes. And yet it happens that people die, and the film, memory card and even the cameras remain intact and preserve the evidence of just what's happened.

Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors

Bill Biggart died on 11 September 2001. After hearing about the aircraft hit the world trade center, he ran out of the house with three cameras.

Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors

Biggart filmed the fall of the South tower and was killed by the rubble of the North. Four days later, his body and the wreckage camera was found among the ruins.

Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors

Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors

Frames that have become past to their authors

Paul Sutter is a leading photographer of LIFE magazine. In June 1967, he came to Israel. By the time Egyptian President publicly urged to "throw the Jews into the sea, destroying them as a nation," and all the neighboring Arab countries have held a full mobilization.

Frames that have become past to their authors

Sutter received a fatal wound in the head when he was driving a military truck with Israeli soldiers. And in a second the truck was hit by a shell. The body of the photographer and the camera wreckage was found a day later.

Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors

Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors

Frames that have become past to their authors

Japanese volcano Intake is popular among novice climbers. When the eruption began, on the slopes of Intake climbed more than 300 people. Some of them managed to successfully go. Photographer Izumi Noguchi with the others tried to hide in the mountaineering camp.

Frames that have become past to their authors

The camp was covered with a cloud of hot gas and rocks. The camera melted, but the memory card survived.

Frames that have become past to their authors

Frames that have become past to their authors

Frames that have become past to their authors

The mystery of the terrible tragedy that occurred in the Northern Ural mountains in 1959, is still not disclosed. On the fourth pass, which now bears the name of the Dyatlov, killing a large group of tourists and students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute.

Frames that have become past to their authors

What killed them? There are many different versions: from avalanches and snow storms to mystical attacks by unknown creatures and testing a secret weapon.

Frames that have become past to their authors

The wild version was warmed by the publication of the films "dyatlovtsev", received in 2009 from the personal archive of the Prosecutor, who conducted their business. Of particular prominence was the last frame with the camera "Zorki" one of the tourists — Yuri krivonischenko: on blurred photos can be seen moving in the dark light balls.

Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors

Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors
Frames that have become past to their authors

Frames that have become past to their authors

Wife Knill from Canada to celebrate Christmas in Thailand, the resort of Khao Lak. In the morning they went to the beach and began to take pictures of a big wave on the horizon.

It was a tsunami caused by the earthquake in the Indian ocean. A month later, at Khao Lak arrived missionary Christian Pilet. He found on the beach by a broken digital camera. He later sent the memory card to the children of John and Jackie.

Frames that have become past to their authors

Japanese photographer Michio Hoshino was really a smart animal and bears. And actually died in Russia from the bear attack. But...

The brown bear, setting a tent is a fake.

Frames that have become past to their authors

It was published in 2009 in the framework of the competition photojob "the Last photo, which you could remove" on the website Who tied the famous photographer of this photo is unknown. Moreover, the Japanese had died in the night, a bear killed him, not pulling through the entrance, and tearing the fabric of the tent.

Keywords: Disaster | Photography | Photographer | Tragedy | The

