Forbidden fruit is useful: What bad habits can have a beneficial effect on health

Categories: Health and Medicine | Society | World |
Forbidden fruit is useful: What bad habits can have a beneficial effect on health

Some habits that are considered bad can have a beneficial effect on health. This fact has been proved by numerous studies of scientists from different countries. Forbidden pleasures, which we try to hide from others, help our body work better and mitigate unpleasant and painful symptoms. Find out what sins are good for us from our material.

Despite the fact that gossip, picking your nose and swearing are considered bad form, scientists say that they are good for our health. Bad habits trigger protective mechanisms in the body that help to cope with pain and other problems.

This is how immoral behavior has a beneficial effect on our health.

Forbidden fruit is useful: What bad habits can have a beneficial effect on health

Many refuse to have sex, citing a headache. In fact, making love removes unpleasant symptoms better than painkillers. The results of a study by German scientists in 2013 showed that people suffering from migraines felt significant relief after sex.

Scientists attribute this to the release of endorphins that occurs during sexual intercourse. As you know, endorphins work as natural painkillers. At the moment of orgasm, the body is filled with pleasure hormones, and people feel relief from pain.

Forbidden fruit is useful: What bad habits can have a beneficial effect on health

Don't hold back your emotions when you hit something. Scientists at the University of Staffordshire forced the participants of the experiment to put their hands in a bucket of ice water and found that people who cursed at the same time endured unpleasant sensations much easier. The participants of the experiment withstood the cold for two minutes-almost twice as long as those who followed their speech.

Experts say that during an emotional response to discomfort, a natural defense mechanism is triggered in the body. It produces adrenaline and relieves pain.

Forbidden fruit is useful: What bad habits can have a beneficial effect on health

Although this is one of the most disgusting habits, but scientists do not advise to fight it. Moreover, they claim that eating goats is useful! Microbiologists say that snot contains a large number of beneficial bacteria, and their use can help the immune system cope with the bacteria that surround us. When mucus from the nose enters the intestines, it works like a medicine.

Forbidden fruit is useful: What bad habits can have a beneficial effect on health

Although it sounds playful, sleeping naked is in many ways good for your health. First, you will sleep better this way, because your body temperature will decrease. Secondly, if you sleep in a cool environment, the metabolism accelerates, because the body produces more brown fat to keep warm. Brown fat produces the heat needed to burn calories and improve metabolism. In addition, sleeping in the nude reduces the risk of catching infections, such as thrush in women and genital itching in men, because the bacteria develop in warm and humid conditions.

Forbidden fruit is useful: What bad habits can have a beneficial effect on health

Despite the fact that gossip is considered bad form, it turns out that talking about people behind their backs is not so bad. When we discuss the behavior of others, it makes us think about our own actions.

Back in 2014, Dutch researchers found that those who listen to gossip, try to adjust their behavior so that they are not gossiped about in this way.

When it comes to men's bad habits, smoking and drinking addiction immediately come to mind. But in fact, the world of male vices is much more diverse.

Keywords: Health and medicine | The world | Scientists | Research | Society | Body | Benefits | Pleasure | Influence | Hormones | Experts | Bad habits

