Fasten your seat belts: the testimony of the flight attendants about how we fly

Categories: Travel |

As passengers, you blindly trust the crew, because you want to be sure that it is safely going at an altitude of 10 kilometers. Therefore, rather surprising that so much information about the world passenger aircraft is still a mystery.

To tell you about, as are flights, and those who guarantee the safety, we asked Annette long, a flight attendant with 13 years experience. Just below the questions, the answers to which you will certainly be interested to hear.

Fasten your seat belts: the testimony of the flight attendants about how we fly
Fasten your seat belts: the testimony of the flight attendants about how we fly

Do flight attendants in-flight meals? Oh yeah! All the time. Just imagine our faces the vultures if suddenly you can eat meals for the first class, m-m-m. Usually we get what is left untouched after all the passengers fed.

What is the direction for most attractive flight attendants? This is a controversial issue because to each his own. When I shared the Facebook post about the fact that I was flying to Beijing, one of my colleagues wrote: "Cool that you fly, not me." She likes to work on domestic flights, and many others too. Conversely, there are people who are more like international flights. I like flying to Beijing and Tokyo from Washington and back. Moreover, in Beijing, we are given 52 hours to rest, so that I can go shopping and relax.

How can affect you long-distance flights? By the time, when you arrive home, you're exhausted. Are you really so tired that can't even sit in social networks. It happens that after a long flight you do not want to answer calls or to open the door. You want to cancel all plans and just lie in bed.

Fasten your seat belts: the testimony of the flight attendants about how we fly

Can you sleep during long flights? Yes, you can. For example, on a flight to Beijing, continuing 14 hours, we have 4 hour break. We serve drinks, then food, then dessert and after you can relax a bit. Half of the team is heading in the compartments to rest while the other half works. These compartments are very small and cramped, there is even impossible to sit down. To be honest, they look like a coffin. But, in principle, it is possible to lie down, listen to music and relax a bit.

If they normally sleep? One of our newcomers recently fell asleep so that she heard three rings of the alarm clock, so anything is possible. And I, for example, can sleep for a few hours after feeling so-so.

What happens when you, being in the compartments to rest into a zone of turbulence? We have special seat belts.

What do you do when somebody gets really bad or someone dies during a flight? We are in touch with the medical company, and the doctors tell us what to do. They ask questions, we answer them, and decide together what to do. Just fire on Board automatic external defibrillator.

Fasten your seat belts: the testimony of the flight attendants about how we fly

And those who died on Board, you leave in their seats? Yes. Thank God, I've never been in this situation and not even know a single person, on whose flight someone would have died. But I think we would have covered the body with something that it does not attracted much attention. It's all very sad.

Do you have any secret signal used in communications with other members of the crew? There are several situations in which we are supposed to use signals, and specific words, the meaning of which I understand only members of the crew, and I can't share them with you.

What happens when a passenger refuses to fasten your seat belt when the light "Fasten seat belt"? When the indicator "Fasten seat belt" illuminates but does not flash, some passengers do not care: they want to go to the toilet — no, they don't want to look rude or impolite — just want to go to the toilet. Okay. I don't want anyone to physically hold. But I just have to inform the passenger if the captain believes that the indicator should illuminate, then to unfasten the belt and especially to get up from their places can be dangerous.

What you need to do the passengers so they were kicked off the plane or to Board made an emergency landing? If during the preflight inspection, it somehow did not notice you came on Board drunk, and we saw this before departure — you will have to be removed from the plane. We don't want at altitude of 10 kilometers above the ground, you suddenly stood up and began to brawl. However, to get you kicked off the plane before takeoff, you just have to start to behave aggressively, you will go home, accompanied by representatives of the security service. If you were injured, the aircraft can be redirected, but this decision was not me.

Fasten your seat belts: the testimony of the flight attendants about how we fly

The strange thing is that you faced during work? My flights are mostly passed quietly enough, nothing special. Although there were a couple of incidents. I once saw a passenger fell and broke his face. He didn't even have time to grab anything with his hands. Although this is not very strange. Even told me about one time when shelves for hand Luggage dripping blood. It turned out that someone tried to smuggle in a bag the head of the goat. It was, of course, before the introduction of modern rules of pre-flight inspection.

Fasten your seat belts: the testimony of the flight attendants about how we fly

What for you is the worst behavior of the passengers? When someone decides to trim the toenails. This is so awful! And this happens not so rarely, believe me. More often passengers take off their shoes and fill up the unbearable stinky feet somewhere above. Many come to the rear platform of the plane and start there to warm up, exercise. And we are forced to watch. Some start demanding free alcoholic drinks almost immediately after takeoff, and someone shamelessly watching porn.

Keywords: Aircraft | Questions | Answers | Revelation | Passengers | Flight | Skyscrapers | Secret | Flight attendants

