Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling

Categories: Technology |

In 2015, WordsEye introduced an online service of the same name that allows those who do not know programming languages and the science of 3D modeling to create a scene by simply describing it in English. The algorithm extracts objects from the text, data on their location, coverage, color and lighting, and at the output the user receives a generated three-dimensional scene.

On the WordsEye website there is a gallery where there are funny examples that can be called clumsy, meaningless and even frightening. We decided to collect the juice from this set, and in order to make everything clear to everyone, we chose those models where excerpts from famous works were used as a given text.

(7 photos in total)

Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling
Source: WordsEye

Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling

"The ring is still in your pocket," the magician reminded.

—It's left, yes!— cried Bilbo bitterly. — And with it the will and other papers. Take them, make your own arrangements. It will be safer this way.

— No, don't give me the Ring, — said Gandalf. — Put it on the fireplace. Frodo will be here in a moment. I'll wait.

(J. R. R. Tolkien, "The Lord of the Rings")

it is evening. little man is next to tall wizard. the ground is wood. a fireplace is 1 feet behind little man. a wide stone wall behind the fireplace. the ring is on the fireplace.

Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling

The baby elephant was terribly happy. He took his breath away, fell to his knees and shouted:

— That's what I need! I've been looking for you for so many days! Tell me, please, quickly, what do you eat at lunch?

— Come closer, I'll whisper in your ear.

The baby elephant bent his head close, close to the toothy, fanged crocodile's mouth, and the Crocodile grabbed him by the little nose, which until this very week, until this very day, until this very hour, until this very minute was no bigger than a shoe.

— It seems to me, — said the Crocodile, and said through his teeth, like this, — it seems to me that today I will have an Elephant for the first course.

(Rudyard Kipling, "Baby Elephant")

the big crocodile is in the edge of lake. the crocodile faces left. the crocodile leans 5 degrees to the back. the elephant is -3 feet to the left of the crocodile. the elephant faces right. the ground is sand. huge 1st palm is 5 feet to the left of the elephant. 2nd palm next to 1st palm. 3rd palm is in front of the 1st palm. big snake in front of the elephant. the snake is -3 feet above the elephant.

Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling

— There is no secret. Now I will go to my Garden, and then at ten o'clock in the evening there will be a meeting in Massolit, and I will preside over it.

—No, it can't be," the foreigner firmly objected.

— Why is that?

— Because, — the foreigner answered and looked with narrowed eyes at the sky, where, anticipating the evening coolness, black birds were silently drawing, — that Annushka had already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even spilled it. So the meeting will not take place.

Here, as is quite understandable, there was silence under the lime trees.

(M. A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita")

Birds are in the sky. Ground is asphalt. Woman near rail track. Puddle near woman. Pine tree is 5 meters behind the woman. Tram car on the rail track. 2 men on a bench under the tree.

Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling

You see, I imagined little kids playing in the evening in a huge field, in the rye. Thousands of kids, and there's not a soul around, not a single adult except me. And I'm standing on the very edge of a cliff, over a precipice, do you understand? And my job is to catch the kids so they don't fall into the abyss. You see, they're playing and they don't see where they're running, and then I run up and catch them so they don't fall off. That's all my work. Guard the guys over the catcher in the rye. I know it's stupid, but it's the only thing I really want. I guess I'm a fool.

(J. D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye")

mountain. Boy stands on the edge of rock. He is facing back. cornfield 5 feet behind boy. 5 kids 6 feet behind the boy.

Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling

Stupid penguin timidly hides a fat body in the cliffs… Only the proud Petrel flies boldly and freely over the sea gray with foam!

More and more gloomy and lower clouds descend over the sea, and sing, and the waves rush to the height to meet the thunder.

Thunder rumbles. Waves moan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Here the wind embraces the flocks of waves with a strong embrace and throws them with a swing in wild anger at the cliffs, smashing the emerald hulks into dust and splashes.

(M. Gorky, "The Song of the Petrel")

the fat penguin is in the mountains. the penguin faces left. huge grey rock is behind the penguin. big grey rock is to the left of the penguin. big black petrel is 3 feet above the penguin. the petrel faces up. The cyan light is two feet above the penguin. sea is to the right of the penguin. clouds above the sea.

Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling

Halfway through my earthly life, I found myself in a gloomy forest, Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.

(Dante Alighieri, "The Divine Comedy")

A man in the middle of the 100 feet long road. Five oaks to the right of man. Five oaks to the left of man.

Famous scenes from literary works in 3D modeling

Not a single moment could be lost more. He took out the axe completely, swung it with both hands, barely feeling himself, and almost without effort, almost mechanically, brought the butt down on his head. His strength was not there, as it were. But as soon as he lowered the axe once, strength was born in him.

(F. M. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment")

it is night. woman on the floor. she leans 90 degrees to the right. a copper light is 6 feet above the woman. man is 2 feet left of the woman. the ground is wood. a sofa is 1 feet behind man. sofa is 3 feet right of the man. a wide 15 feet tall paper wall behind the sofa. clock 1 feet above the sofa. an axe 1 feet right of the man. axe leans 95 degrees to the right. red circle 1 feet right of the man.

Keywords: 3D | 3D drawings | Literature | Modeling | Scenes

