Facebook helped an old man with a shabby house

Categories: Positive | Society |

When railroad track crawler Josh Tsyganik heard local teenagers mocking the house of 75-year-old Leonard Bullock, he realized that he had to do something.

He posted the following text on Facebook: "A couple of weeks ago I saw two teenagers walking past the old man's house and saying to each other: "Look, what a terrible house, I would like to burn it down!" Everyone who wants to help, come on Saturday to paint a gentleman's house!"

The reaction was amazing. "I stopped counting on the 95th volunteer," says Tsyganik. People even came from other states to paint the house! "The media writes that I am a hero. I'm not a hero, I just heard something that I didn't like."

Facebook helped an old man with a shabby house
Source: boredpanda.com

Facebook helped an old man with a shabby house


Facebook helped an old man with a shabby house


Facebook helped an old man with a shabby house


Facebook helped an old man with a shabby house


Facebook helped an old man with a shabby house

5. That's what happened!

Keywords: Facebook | Kindness | Home | Help | Old people

