Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

Categories: Travel |

According to a survey by the company "Skyscanner", tourists around the world spend almost six billion euros on souvenirs every year. The sixth part of the brought purchases is immediately sent to the trash. And seven percent of respondents admitted that they can't stand it when they bring refrigerator magnets as a gift from trips. 

But, in addition to the usual magnets and key chains, there are a myriad of other memorable gifts that you can bring from your trip. Elephant dung beer, a kangaroo scrotum keychain and other strange souvenirs that are sold in different countries of the world.

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs
Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs
Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

1. Bolivia: fetuses of llamas and other animals

Llama fetuses are very popular with locals. They are sold at the famous Bolivian Witch market (and not only) among other strange sacred objects. During the construction of a new house, a llama or alpaca embryo is buried in the foundation under one of the corners. It is believed that a house built on the embryo of a lama will last for a long time and will attract prosperity and wealth. But the embryos of piglets are used as a talisman on a long journey. 

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs
Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

2. Japan: beer made from elephant feces

Inventive Japanese have created an unusual dark beer, the raw material for which were coffee cherries that have been in the gastrointestinal tract of an elephant. This variety is called Un, Kono Kuro, from the Japanese word Unko, which, in fact, means "shit". A dark liquid with a specific aroma is not only an exotic souvenir, but also an expensive gift: one bottle costs about five thousand rubles.

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

3. Malaysia, Philippines: wallets and handbags made of toads

From a trip to Southeast Asia, you can bring such an original and practical gift to your beloved mother-in-law or boss. Made from a whole toad, this souvenir can cause many people an attack of disgust. Double standards are clearly triggered here: for some reason, a wallet made of crocodile or python skin does not cause rejection in most people…

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

4. Japan: Tuttuki Bako

This strange gadget is a small box with a built-in display and a recess for inserting a finger. The device is designed to digitize the user's finger and poke it at the characters on the display. Brilliant, isn't it? Starring: a panda cub, an amoeba, a girl's face, a man and the seabed — this selection alone, frankly, already tickles the brain. There is information that the device can be flashed and add more juicy stories there.

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

5. Australia: key rings and openers from the kangaroo scrotum

We say "Australia" - we mean a kangaroo. This marsupial has long become a symbol of the Green Continent. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most popular souvenirs is the scrotum of a poor animal, made in the form of a key ring or a bottle opener. When you stroke them, kangaroos in the other world are nice!

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

6. Vietnam, China: snake wine

Venomous snakes are used as raw materials for the production of this unusual drink. It is prepared by infusing creepers in solvents such as alcohol or rice vodka. Ethanol denatures the proteins of snake venom so that it becomes harmless. Wine producers claim that it cures many ailments, but experts believe that its medicinal properties are greatly exaggerated to attract potential buyers.

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

7. Ecuador: dried tsantsa heads

What about the idea of bringing a dried human head as a gift? Once upon a time, the Jivaro Indians, famous bounty hunters, did not just kill their enemies, but made amulets from their heads, after removing the skull. Such a talisman could fit in the palm of your hand, and it could be worn around your neck.

The scary traditions of Jivaro attracted the attention of Europeans, who generously paid for scary and rare souvenirs. At first, the demand for heads gave rise to mass murders of people, but soon the problem was solved by fakes made of goat and monkey skin. Now on the Internet you can find craftsmen who will make a personal head based on a photo — a great gift to the enemy.

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

8. California, USA: lollipops with scorpions

Since 1982, the California confectionery company HOTLIX has been producing unusual sweets stuffed with insects. Their most popular product is lollipops with scorpions, which sell like hot cakes for $ 5 apiece. Moreover, the scorpions there are not toys, but the most real, edible. They are heat-treated and alcoholized, so they are completely safe to use. According to the description of those who have tried these piece sweets, the taste of the frightening filling of the lollipop resembles the taste of walnuts. 

Elephant dung beer and kangaroo scrotum: The 9 strangest souvenirs

9. Different countries of the world: elephant manure

If you do not like beer (see point 1), then you can simply buy elephant manure packed in a beautiful box or by weight. Trade in elephant feces was started by different zoos of the world, since production there goes smoothly and one animal gives out up to 50 kg of product per day. Zoos in Vienna, Kharkiv and Prague have started selling elephant manure, and in the Russian Kaliningrad it is distributed for free.

A website has appeared on the expanses of the European Internet Schenkscheisse.eu, with which you can anonymously send your abuser elephant manure in a gift box. A box with smelly contents weighing 200 grams costs 17.77 euros, or about 1500 rubles. That's the truth they say: with good advertising and a beautiful wrapper, you can even sell shit. 

Keywords: Travel | Shopping | Top | Top ten | Souvenir

